Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
It is a Switzerland-based organization dedicated to fostering trust, ethical leadership, and sustainable change. Established in 1946 in the aftermath of World War II, it operates out of the historic Caux Palace, located above Montreux in the Swiss Alps.
Main Hall
Large bay window with a panoramic view on the Alps and on Lake Geneva.
The Palace
The Palace is built by Ami Chessex and architect Eugëne Jost as one of the most advanced, luxurious and biggest hotels ever built in Switzerland.
Tarrace & Gardens
Relax on the terrace of the Caux Palace, take a stroll in the gardens and discover the breathtaking views and stunning scenery of this exceptional site.
It has a 385 people capacity!
Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
The Caux Palace and the Villa Maria are owned by the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, a charitable organization founded in 1946 working towards peace, justice and sustainability. →